5 Ways To Improve Your Google Conversion Rates Now!

Posted Friday, July 12, 2024

By: Chris Kaiser

5 Ways To Improve Your Google Conversion Rates Now!

Have you been running Google Ads campaigns for months and still not seeing good conversion rates? Trust me, you are not alone. Many businesses have been struggling with getting positive conversion actions, such as purchases, subscriptions, or leads. There are a multitude of options to help increase your conversion rate from compelling ad copy, effective landing pages, and so many more. Let’s turn your conversion rate around and start bringing in results!

Implement Proper Conversion Tracking

This is a very simple task, but often gets overlooked or done improperly. Conversion tracking is the only way to track how your campaigns are performing and without proper installation could lead to bad results. The most common ways to implement conversion tracking is through:

  • Google tag in Google Ads

  • Conversion events from GA4

  • Utilizing Google Tag Manager

Optimize Keyword Lists

The second way to improve conversion rates would be to continually optimize your keyword lists. The search terms report is a simple asset within the platform itself that allows you to see what users are searching for and ability to instantly add to live campaigns. Always keep in mind which keyword match types you are adding to ensure you are targeting the optimal keywords for your campaign.

Use Direct Call-To-Actions (CTA’s)

So your ads have been running for over a month and they are not producing the right conversion actions you were looking for, what is your next plan of action? It may be time to optimize your ad copy. Here are some simple rules to entice users to convert on your ads:

  • Utilize precise language that lets a user know exactly what you want them to do

  • Make CTA buttons distinct and easily accessible

  • A/B test different CTA’s to find the best action

  • Avoid “Learn More” unless application is for a top of funnel application

Utilize Ad Assets

Ad assets are an easy way to entice users to click through to your website and also help higher conversion rates. These assets will include callouts, snippets, and sitelinks with descriptions. These additional assets allow a business to show more information that could not be allocated into the headlines or descriptions. On top of showing more information, adding these assets will increase your ad rank and will help increase the overall visibility of your ads. Some good examples of how to use these ad assets would be for specific sales or promotions or unique product features.

Set A Proper Bid Strategy

Choosing the right bid strategy for your Google campaigns can lead to a make or break in terms of performance. Google has recently been adding more automated bidding strategies through machine learning to help campaign creators. There are five smart bidding strategies that focus on conversion goals:

  • Target CPA (cost per action): increases conversions while achieving a specific CPA goal

  • Target ROAS (return on ad spend): increases conversions while targeting a specific ROAS goal

  • Maximize conversions: optimizes campaigns to attain conversions, not regarding for a CPA or ROAS goal

  • Maximize conversion value: similar to maximize conversions but optimizes for higher conversion value

  • Enhanced CPC (cost per click): allows the ability to auto adjust manual bids to maximize conversions.

There is no exact science on how to guarantee higher conversion rates, but with the ability to customize ads, copy, and assets can help a user achieve higher overall performance. However, utilizing small tweaks and optimizations mentioned in this blog can help a business increase their conversion rates and help scale their Google campaigns!

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